Pintribute Pin Pal: Trista Granberry

A few weeks back I blogged about my obsession for Bold Pants, so when Trista pinned these (to DIE for!) floral printed pants, I just had to share it!  All the prints and the colors on each pair is amazing!  These pants are such a statement, I love them!  Trista found the photos of the bold pants on the blog …love Maegan and there you will find sooo many more styles of these bold pants AND where to buy them! Thanks Trista for pinning on PINTRIBUTE and sharing with everyone… i love, love, love it!

If you want to be my PIN PAL so that your pins can be shared and featured on my blog, it’s really easy all you have to do is send me your Pinterest username in a comment or message and I will be sure to add you to the Pintribute w/ Jen Clyde Stylist board.  Happy Pinning!!
