Be A Super Bowl Champ In Style This Sunday!

Keeping the style penalties to a minimum during this weekend’s big game

How do you support your team, and never sacrifice the Style factor? I am here to be your sideline coach and offer tips on how to keep the style penalties to a minimum during this weekend’s big game. Here are some fun fresh super bowl highlight ideas to keep more eyes on you then football mostly when your trying to impress that certain someone, and wanting to look chic in the stands, or even if you are like me a mom with 4 kids probably cooking and making snacks the whole time, but still want to represent your team and your fun personality of being that fun stylish mom even if itʼs spent most of the time in the kitchen.

1.Reinterpreting your own team Jersey shirt, can make it unique and creatively inspired to be something to talk about more than the half time show. Get some scissors and go to town make it your own. Cut out the collar and make it a v neck or cut a v in the back and tie it in a knot to make it more fitted. Either way you can make it fit and work for your comfort and body. Look amazing with some cute jeans to be that comfy guys girl every man loves on his big football day.

2. If football gear is just not your thing and there is nothing anyone can do to make you wear clothes you hate? Go for the nail polish! Put on the color of the team you want to win, or if you donʼt like either go for both colors be fun, bold, and ready for a great party.

3.Go for the shoulder pad look with your t-shirt blazer look. Casual but fun. Look like a boxy football person with those should pads built right into the blazer. Again worn with black skinny and heels your sexy and casual so you can still eat those chips and salsa like a champ.

4.Go for my personal fave, Accessories! Even if you have a little jersey or team t shirt on go with some funky accessories like a big bold necklace layered in the colors of the team, worn either with a plain white shirt or a team shirt. I like to go for the youth boys section in size large at target or wallmart for my team t-shirt because they fit better. Or you can go with a cute t-shirt that just is fun sport looking with big bold numbers even if they donʼt have a certain team name on it. Worn with a maxi skirt for a more trendy look or worn with jeans your ready to be that chic party champ fit for a super bowl.

Have fun, be chic, be a champion in your own style for the Superbowl this Sunday!

I made my own shirt for the “Good Things Utah” fashion segment I did if you want to know how I took some pics and gave you some directions below!

First I found my sons old football jersey! He has tons so I just picked his silver and black one to match some of the patriots coloring. Any number will do. If you don’t have tons of kids like me or they just don’t play football, then just go to Wal-Mart or any store buy one you like then you can cut that up. Buy in the boys section they will fit better to your size top that you pick to cut up. I picked an old blue thermal that I didn’t mind if cut it up…it was just collecting dust. Find it cut out the back of the jersey on each side in the back next to the seam. Then cut out the back of the shirt you choose to use and line up the seams and cut.

Then you pin-up the jersey to the top on the back side. line up the seams and pin so it doesn’t move with your sewing it. It will look weird if you don’t get it straight so just pin it up! I used my serger but if you don’t have one it’s fine just use your sewing machine same results.

Then you sew each side seam and top of the jersey to the shirt on all 3 sides.

Then after you have sewn all three sides pick what ever you want to go along the top of the seem on your upper middle back. I picked red flower print to pull in the reds from the team for the super bowl and because it makes it a bit more girly feel which I like. But like I said you can use what ever you would like! Have fun with it and get creative. Then I get a needle and thread to match the color of my ribbon which was red and hand stitch across that seam to sew it on and you can’t see the thread. But side note: I sewed on the ribbon first so I could get a straight line and then picked it out after, so you can do this or you can just free hand it and pin and hand sew it on. All to your preference.

Then after it is hand sewn on pick it out the white sew line not the red hand stitched one.

And Then your done!! Wear it with some cute skinny jeans or a fun long jersey knit maxi skirt. Just rock it with confidence and you will win the game of fashion on Super Bowl Sunday!

Happy Making and Happy Winning!

To Watch today’s segment go to to ABC4 Utah here! 

Here is all the info on today’s outfits and where you can go buy them! Thanks To DownEast and Blend Boutique for all the amazing clothing!

This look is so comfy and cute. Youth boys football jersey from Fanzz store. Glam it up with a bold necklace that stays within your teams color pallet. Like silver for this years super bowl. This necklace is amazing and I layered it with two one bold and one just cute stars chain that brings in the super star winning team. These necklaces are both from DownEast. Jeans are from Blend boutique.

This is your super bowl shoulder pad nod look. Keeping with in the colors of the teams. Rocking red she likes both teams, and looks amazing. Red Jacket from H&M last year in Vegas. Shirt so cute with two pockets and longer in the back then the front it is from DownEast. The pants are from Blend Boutique and they are G Star. Necklace is from World Market.

Wanting to go to watch the game but really do not like looking football ready? Well bring it in with pops of the teams colors in your outfit! Like use accessories. So the scarf silver and navy so cute and team colors this is from Downeast. The skirt AMAZING also from Downeast. The Belt again silver like the team colors also from Downeast. The stripe basic top that really dresses the sequin skirt down is so fun and again it’s from Downeast. The pop of the red necklace just pulls it all together and again this is from Downeast. So way to go Down east for such a funky hip amazing outfit!

Tiffany & Co.

Would you like to hear some incredible news? News that will make every women in Utah quite literally sparkle? Tiffany & Co. is officially opening its very first store in Salt Lake City, Utah at the new City Creek Center! Are you dying? Because I’m dying. They open on Wednesday, March 21, 2012. All I can say is hal-le-lu-jah. FINALLY!! Not to get all cheesy, but I think this is the perfect time to quote the movie How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days…”Women of (UTAH) Frost Yourselves!!” 
So the new store will have both men and women’s fashion jewelry, gifts and pieces for the home, crystal and china, accessories, baby gifts and timepieces. Did I get it all? Yeah I think so! So many wonderful things! So, in the mean time while you’re just waiting to adorn yourself with all of this amazing “frosting” go to Tiffany & Co. online and shop! Every woman needs some new bling for Valentines Day right? Right! Here is a tiny little preview of what you can find at Tiffany & Co.

Giveaway Monday: Adorable Morris Terry Yoga Shorts

Really excited about this week’s giveaway! So, Morris Terry is one of my favorite companies because they have INSANE work out clothes. I die. Today’s giveaway are these incredibly cute and fashionable yoga shorts!! Ok I’ll be the first to admit it, sometimes I have absolutely zero motivation to hit the gym. Seriously, Z-E-R-O. But then again, who does? I think that’s why I love these yoga shorts so much…..they get me excited to go to the gym! Maybe that’s lame, maybe it’s not, but either way it’s the truth. When I have cute workout clothes I get excited to go to the gym because, HELLO, that means I get to wear my hot new shorts!

I’m all about incorporating style into every part of my life. So yes, this includes when I go to the gym! I used to play basketball in high school and my coach would say to us, “When you look good, you feel good. When you feel good, you play good!” Feeling good in all situations, whether it’s on the treadmill or in a Pilates class, will make you want to do better and work harder!!

Now time for the fun part….or as Courtney from the Bachelor would say, WINNING! Comment below and tell me your secrets to finding motivation to go the gym! Also, subscribe to my blog and share this giveaway with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, email, etc. and YOU could win these darling yoga shorts!! You must subscribe to my blog to win, so do it NOW!! The more you share the more chances you have to win!

I’ll be picking a winner on Friday. Good luck and have an amazing week!


And the winner is…

Really big thanks to everyone who shared our monday giveaway! I know I say it all the time, but my loyal followers are really and truly who give me the inspiration to keep doing what I do! I love you all!!

We had such a cute giveaway this week! The Charmed For Sure personalized necklace was absolutely darling. Not to mention the personalized touch takes the necklace to a whole different level of amazing! The winner of this weeks giveaway is Ash! You will be contacted by email.

Thank you again and don’t forget to check out tomorrow’s giveaway. You won’t want to miss it!!!


Self Love Sundays: Sign Your Name

You sign your name at the end of a letter, when you finish creating a piece of art, or when you are solidifying an important document!  We sign our name to all of these things….It shows that something is ours and leaves a record about where we have been.

This week I went to a concert with mind-blowing music!! It was the kind of music that made me feel like I wanted to get up a dance around like nobody was watching…….so that’s exactly what I did! There is no doubt that the crowed enjoyed every second of the sound because everyone was swaying back and forth with smiles on their faces.  When the concert was over the artist was crowded with people in the lobby signing autographs. The best part about it was that you could tell he was totally enjoying every second of  what he was doing.  Every time he signed an autograph I thought about how a seemingly simple signature was in fact his way of claiming his music and creativity as his own! So inspiring!

He signed his name, he was proud of what he did, and we all should be too!  Be so proud of everything you do that you will WANT to sign your name to it. Let the world know that you are you and that what you create is YOURS! Go. Do. Create. Be.

Subscribe to my blog and comment below. Share YOUR story of self-love and you could be featured as our guest blogger on the last sunday of the month!

Cheers, Jen